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The benefits of fasting are not only spiritual but also mental, this is the explanation from a UMM psychologist

Malang ( – Fasting is not only about curbing thirst or hunger, but fasting is also related to a person's physical and mental health. Lecturer in the Psychology study program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Dr. Zainul Anwar, S.Psi., M.Psi., explains the benefits of fasting for mental health.

There are five benefits of fasting for mental health. According to the UMM psychologist, fasting makes emotions more stable. Fasting people are used to holding back or managing emotions.

"When fasting we can manage things that are biological in nature to manage things that are psychological in nature. "That way, emotions are more controlled and stable," he said.

The second benefit, fasting can increase empathy. When fasting a person can also learn to be empathetic. By empathizing, your mentality will develop more positively and healthily.

"Because by helping or assisting other people, it will automatically make our psyche more enthusiastic," he said.

UMM Psychology study program lecturer, Dr. Zainul Anwar (Photo: Special)

Third, fasting can make you mentally healthier, especially regarding stress in life. For example, stress. Stress is easier to manage by fasting.

Zainul Anwar also mentioned taboos that must be avoided when fasting. For example, backbiting, which psychologically can cause stress. By fasting, this can be avoided as much as possible, which will also prevent stress.

Fourth, fasting can make you more productive. Fifth, fasting can make life more regular.

“There is no negative impact that fasting has on a person's mental health. Please note that fasting is taken seriously. If we only fast to carry out our obligations, we will definitely complain more,"

He gave an example of complaints of a biological nature, such as hunger and thirst. Then make fasting an excuse to be lazy.

"In fact, when we fast we should be more productive and enthusiastic. Of course, in a positive way," he stressed.

If you make fasting a burden, it might make you even more depressed and stressed. However, if you follow the existing fasting rules, it will not cause any negative psychological effects.

When fasting you feel stressed, try to change your mindset. He suggested that you try fasting with a more relaxed and happy feeling.

“There is only one month of Ramadan fasting a year, so accept and carry out this command from the Almighty sincerely. "God willing, there will be a beautiful impact and reward for us when or after carrying it out," he concluded. (and/ian)


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