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Hundreds of Joint Personnel Prepared to Secure the AMIN Campaign in Pamekasan

Pamekasan ( – Pamekasan Police has prepared hundreds of joint personnel to secure the grand campaign of Anis Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN) in Pamekasan, Wednesday (31/1/2024) tomorrow.< /p>

The presidential candidate pair and vice presidential candidate number 1 in the Simultaneous General Election (Pemilu) on February 14 2024 are scheduled to meet at two different points in Pamekasan.

The two points include the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School, Kadur, Pamekasan, and the Gunung Sari Islamic Boarding School, Badung Village, Proppo District, Pamekasan, which incidentally became the arena for the grand campaign.

"We have prepared 280 Pamekasan Police personnel to provide security for the campaign for candidate pair 1 AMIN, deployed along the arrival route, campaign location and along the return route to Surabaya," said Pamekasan Police Chief, AKBP Jazuli Dani Iriawan, through Head of Public Relations AKP Sri Sugiarto, Tuesday (30/1/2024) evening.

Apart from Pamekasan Police personnel, there are also hundreds of other personnel from side agencies. "In this security we also collaborate with related agencies, as many as 30 Kodim 0826 personnel, 30 Dishub personnel, 30 Satpol-PP personnel, and 5 TNI Pom personnel," he said.

"Not to forget, we are also preparing a Bomb Disposal Team for the East Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit, which will also take part in securing the campaign for candidate pair 1 AMIN in the jurisdiction of the Pamekasan Police," continued AKP Sri Sugiarto.

The preparations will later begin through a troop call which will be centered at the Pamekasan Police Headquarters, Jl. Stadium 81 Pamekasan. "Tomorrow at 8:00 WIB, a security readiness roll call will be held at the Pamekasan Police Headquarters," he concluded.

Also Read: KPU Pamekasan: Simulation as a Form of Education

Based on the rundown of the AMIN group's visit to Pamekasan, they are scheduled to arrive and go straight to the Al-Falah Kadur Islamic Boarding School, at 12:00-12:45 WIB.

Travel to Gunung Sari Islamic Boarding School, Proppo, Pamekasan, 13:10-13:25 WIB. Followed by the Declaration and Istighosah entitled One Million Shalawat Nariyah starting at 13:25-15:00 WIB.

After this activity, the AMIN couple and their entourage are scheduled to leave for the Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Islamic Boarding School, at 15:00 WIB. [pin/ian]


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